Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
General Questions
Why should I use Skyway?
Skyway removes the complexity of using cloud resources. If you can run jobs on Midway, you can easily burst a job into the cloud. With the elasticity of the cloud resources, users can seamlessly access more computing capacity and storage from Skyway.
Do I need an account with the Cloud provider in addition to my RCC account?
No. Your RCC user account and credentials can be used to access both Midway and Skyway. However, you need to contact RCC to activate your access through Skyway.
What are the costs associated with this service?
There is no cost to use Skyway to burst in the cloud, however the cost associated with running jobs or storing data in the cloud is the responsibility of the user. The RCC has a limited amount of credits to use, at no cost, for pilot projects being used for the development of Skyway.
How can I get help if I have an issue using Skyway?
Email the RCC at
Usage Questions
How do I check what software modules are available on Skyway?
You can view the list of all available software modules using command: “module avail”. Click here for more details.
How do I load available modules and application packages?
You can initiate any module or package environment by using the command: “module load [software name]/[optional: version name]”.
I am using secure or sensitive data for my research. Am I able to use Skyway?
Skyway is not certified yet for research involving sensitive or restricted data. We recommend using MidwayR for sensitive data.